Christian discernment can only take place once one has experienced the presence of Christ and has begun to receive from the heart of God.
Christian relational prayer is focused on friendship with Christ. Much of the fear and anxiety young people often experience around discernment arises from a false understanding of prayer, focused entirely on figuring out what one must do. The vocational question, however, cannot be the first question of prayer: only once one has experienced the presence of Christ and has begun to receive from the heart of God can one begin to discern. The question of one’s vocation must be approached from within a lived relationship with Christ through a spirit of gratitude and magnanimity, rather than of sloth and pusillanimity.
Reflecting on their experiences in parish ministry and working with students of all ages, Msgr. Richter and Fr. Bouck present a profound and lively view of Christian prayer. The conversation begins in Episode 1: The Christian Vision of Prayer.
An audio version of this series on prayer and discernment is available on our podcast channels: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Stitcher.