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Human Person

bedside nurse

Medical Providers: Missionaries of Redemptive Suffering

Medical providers are given great influence over those whom they serve. Their patients often cling to the words they say, particularly when anxious about a diagnosis or treatment plan.

Prime Matters
Jul 11, 2024
group of friends talking

Generating My Avatar

While advancements in technology can provide great benefits, it is helpful to question what is authentically human in these new developments and what helps us build healthy relationships among people.

Prime Matters
Apr 22, 2024

The Scourge of Human Trafficking

Slavery and human trafficking are daily realities for millions of people across the world, a fact that calls on Christians to continually affirm the dignity of the human person in word, prayer, and action.

Prime Matters
Feb 19, 2024
Capitol rotunda

The Difficult Yet Noble Art of Politics

Like any art, politics can become excellent or even beautiful. We must strengthen our habits, know our history, cherish our traditions, and build up our institutions.

Dr. Kevin Walker
Jun 22, 2023
A double rainbow over a lake

The Celebration of Love

A quest of love need not be redefined by our own efforts.

Prime Matters
Jun 13, 2023
A beer mug

Spiritual Drinking

What sorts of things should we keep in mind to develop a specifically Catholic view of drinking?

Prime Matters
Apr 12, 2023
Standing on a peak

Virtue and Mental Health

What does virtue have to do with mental health? A psychologist explains.

Dr. Paul Vitz
Rev. Craig Vasek
Jan 4, 2023
Oxford University

In Memory of Father Ian Ker

A reflection on the life of Oxford theologian and Newman scholar Fr. Ian Ker from a pupil and friend.

Dr. Matthew C. Briel
Nov 17, 2022
Contrasting doors

The Enemy Next Door

The modern mind has turned back to an ancient pagan distinction between two kinds of enemies, and in our confusion, we have begun to ask “Who is my enemy?” rather than “Who is my neighbor?”

Dr. Jordan Almanzar
Nov 1, 2022
Overgrowth through a window

Why Read Brideshead Revisited?: A Meditation on Sloth

Evelyn Waugh’s "Brideshead Revisited" presents an image of sloth, the vice of rejecting God's love and our spiritual inheritance.

Prime Matters
Oct 12, 2022