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Human Person

A bird flies over the beach

Living the Lord's Joy

Chris Stefanick joins Msgr. James Shea to discuss the spiritual disposition of joy and the clarion call offered to all Christians: "The joy of the Lord must be your strength."

Chris Stefanick
Msgr. James P. Shea
Dec 2, 2021
The Capitol Rotunda

Engaging Secular Modernity

Ryan T. Anderson and Msgr. James Shea discuss the interplay of religion, culture, and public policy, the modern antipathy towards questions of family, and preparing the next generation of informed Christians in the public square.

Dr. Ryan T. Anderson
Msgr. James P. Shea
Nov 18, 2021
The Statue of Liberty looks ahead

Educating Tomorrow's Leaders

Higher education plays a crucial role in our society's accomplishments and dysfunctions alike. Through civic education and the liberal arts, students are formed to live full lives as engaged citizens.

Dr. Paul Carrese
Dr. Rod Jonas
Oct 19, 2021
Students study in a library

The Value of Liberal Arts in the Preparation of Teachers

The liberal arts help students develop a love of learning, an appreciation for the human mind and spirit, and the ability to discern what is true – all of which are ideal qualities in a preservice teacher.

Dr. Rod Jonas
Oct 19, 2021
A Man Looking at an Urban Horizon

Perfections, Powers, and Excellence

Alexandre Havard, founder of the Virtuous Leadership Institute, joined Dr. Karel Sovak, Dean of the Gary Tharaldson School of Business, to discuss virtue, business, and education.

Alexandre Havard
Dr. Karel Sovak
Apr 22, 2021
Flowers in the desert

Against Euthanasia

Christ's Passion teaches us that suffering and death have meaning and that God values life in all its possibilities and conclusions.

Dr. Christopher Kolker
Apr 15, 2021
Bishop James D. Conley

There Will Be Light

Most Rev. James D. Conley, Bishop of Lincoln, joined Dr. James Link to discuss Catholic spirituality and psychology, reflecting on his own struggles with mental illness.

Most Rev. James D. Conley
Dr. James Link
Mar 4, 2021
A soccer player preparing to kick the ball

Finding God's Greatness

Fr. Chase Hilgenbrinck, a priest and retired professional soccer player, spoke with Fr. Craig Vasek, Athletics Chaplain of the University of Mary, on virtue, greatness, and sport.

Rev. Chase Hilgenbrinck
Rev. Craig Vasek
Feb 25, 2021
Horse Statue and the Colosseum

The Lion of Pessimism

The lion of pessimism – of fatigue and disenchantment – is to be opposed by the extravagant hope of Christianity.

Very Rev. Paul Murray
Feb 25, 2021
Graduation Caps

A Holistic Catholic Secondary Education

Catholic education at its very best provides holistic education and formation for the whole of life, preparing students for whomever and however they are called to serve.

Rev. Jared Johnson
Feb 18, 2021