The Myth of Chance
In the myth of chance, reason itself loses its footing on which to stand. For in a world of random accidents, there is no objective truth to build upon or assert.

The God of Faith and Science with Stephen Barr and David Ronderos
Dr. Stephen Barr explores questions of faith and science, God and nature in an insightful conversation with Dr. David Ronderos.

The Love of Learning and the Desire for God: A Path to Joy
What is truth, and how does it relate to God? Even more precisely, why do we call God Truth itself?

Chesterton's Common Sense with Dale Ahlquist
How do common sense, imagination, and education go together? Dale Ahlquist, president of the Society of Gilbert Keith Chesterton, explores Chesterton's unique and insightful mind.

Explorations of a Catholic Mind
Fr. Robert Spitzer offers a Catholic perspective on culture, science, and apologetics and provides insights on what it takes to ensure that a Catholic university stays true to its religious mission.

Friendship and the University (and the Ocean)
Dr. Peter Kreeft and Msgr. James P. Shea discussed Catholic higher education, the importance of friendship within that project, and Dr. Kreeft's life and work.

Engaging the Enlightenment: A Symposium
What is the Enlightenment, and how does it relate to Christianity? Drs. Blum and Stuart explore the Enlightenment and its implications for Christian thought and culture.

Method in Metaphysics: Discovering the Fundamental Structure of Reality
Metaphysicians aim to determine what sorts of things exist and what those existing things are like. There are several key questions we can ask about any metaphysical theory.

The Lion of Relativism
The lion of relativism wraps itself in seemingly sane and humane wording, hiding its deadly tendency to draw away the lifeblood of strong religious conviction.

Friendship in Pursuit of Truth
Much of the formation of the habit of mind by which students possess an integrated understanding of the truth occurs in the context of friendship and community at the university.