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Sport: A Metaphor for Life with Andrew Swafford and Fr. Craig Vasek

Theologian Andrew Swafford, STD, shares profound Christian insights on athletics and identity, revealing both the opportunities and pitfalls confronting today's athletes.

Dr. Andrew Swafford
Rev. Craig Vasek
Mar 1, 2025

The Christian Athlete: Witnessing versus Privacy

How is the Christian athlete to embrace his or her podium in order to witness to the Gospel?

Dr. Luis Fernando Aragón-Vargas
Apr 26, 2023
An athlete resting

The Christian Athlete: You Are So Weak!

The qualities that make one a good athlete bring with them a unique set of vulnerabilities.

Dr. Luis Fernando Aragón-Vargas
Mar 29, 2023
Athletes Jumping Hurdles

Facing Life's Hurdles

National Collegiate Basketball Hall of Fame Coach Dale Brown explains the four major hurdles all of us face in our lives.

Dale Brown
Rev. Craig Vasek
Feb 20, 2023
Two rowers

The Christian Athlete: Me, Myself, and I

The life of an athlete is demanding, and the temptation to become overly focused on oneself is always present.

Dr. Luis Fernando Aragón-Vargas
Feb 15, 2023
An athlete dunking

The Christian Athlete: Ideals

Christian leaders, popes, and early Church Fathers have long recognized that Christians can imitate athletes in the way they train and compete.

Dr. Luis Fernando Aragón-Vargas
Feb 7, 2023
Standing on a peak

Virtue and Mental Health

What does virtue have to do with mental health? A psychologist explains.

Dr. Paul Vitz
Rev. Craig Vasek
Jan 4, 2023

The Christian Athlete: Where is Your Strength?

Elite athletes are characterized by their self-discipline and willpower. Christian athletes know, however, that their true strength comes from the Lord.

Dr. Luis Fernando Aragón-Vargas
Oct 26, 2022

The Christian Athlete: Sports as a Tool

Christian athletes are often taught that their Christianity should help them be better athletes - but perhaps it's better to look at sport as a tool for becoming better Christians.

Dr. Luis Fernando Aragón-Vargas
Sep 7, 2022
Physical training

The Christian Athlete: Sports and Health

The Christian tradition offers insights into the importance of physical training and the need for an active balance in the lives of athletes.

Dr. Luis Fernando Aragón-Vargas
Aug 11, 2022