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Awakening the Catholic
Imaginative Vision.

Weekly Update
We need to use tools and not be used by them; we need to be humanized by tools and not diminished by them.

Christians and Technology
Do we see ourselves as creatures living in a world we did not create or as the lords of the world? The answer to that question will dictate much of how we order our lives.

Discover the decidedly chaotic life and journeys of the relics of the Angelic Doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas.

Jesus is not weak. Jesus is the one who assailed the strong man, as he puts it in the Gospels, and he has taken on the enemy and won. He’s the one who is calling you to follow him.

The Historic Reality of Christian Culture
Learn more about The Historic Reality of Christian Culture

Preparing the Way: Reflections on Leadership in the Light of the Eucharist
Learn more about Preparing the Way: Reflections on Leadership in the Light of the Eucharist
The Point of Apologetics
The point of apologetics is not the mere winning of arguments; instead, it is meant to show the reasonableness of the Gospel, clearing away obstacles to an authentic encounter with Christ.

Christianity as a Revealed Religion
Learn more about Christianity as a Revealed Religion
The Sacred Scriptures
Learn more about The Sacred Scriptures
The Importance of Mystery in Christian Belief
Learn more about The Importance of Mystery in Christian BeliefSubscribe to The First Draught and get the best of Prime Matters sent to your email, every week.