The Historic Reality of Christian Culture
Walk through Christopher Dawson's six ages of the Western Church with three historians.

The Death Penalty Continues

The Return of Stonehenge
Many people are actively seeking a connection with something greater than themselves. What a gift it would be for them to encounter the promise of eternal life given by Christ.

Rihanna, Madonna, and the Mocking of Catholic Things
What ought our reaction be when Catholic devotional items or art are used in potentially scandalous contexts?

Generating My Avatar
While advancements in technology can provide great benefits, it is helpful to question what is authentically human in these new developments and what helps us build healthy relationships among people.

The Scourge of Human Trafficking
Slavery and human trafficking are daily realities for millions of people across the world, a fact that calls on Christians to continually affirm the dignity of the human person in word, prayer, and action.

An Anniversary Year for Evangelization
Forty years ago, St. John Paul II made the first reference to the "New Evangelization" while speaking to Latin American bishops in Haiti.

The Difficult Yet Noble Art of Politics
Like any art, politics can become excellent or even beautiful. We must strengthen our habits, know our history, cherish our traditions, and build up our institutions.

‘Mostly Dead’ is ‘Still Alive’
A possible upcoming revision to the Uniform Declaration of Death Act could subjectivize the all-important issue of when a human being is truly dead.

How to Make Sense of Germany
How are Catholics to understand the confusion that has arisen from the German Synodal Way?