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Weekly Update

Mary and Jesus amidst rubble

Ultimate Failure

“Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven.”

Sep 14, 2023
Life in the desert

Openness to Life

“Openness to life” means freely accepting new life, be that new children, new parishioners (or even record numbers of freshmen), immigrants, and all the effects that these newcomers bring.

Sep 7, 2023
Light in the darkness


Longing and yearning, wonder and lack of comprehension - these are all important aspects of the Catholic imagination and the quest of human life.

Aug 31, 2023

The Fundamentals of Human Life

Increasing mental health issues and a booming industry promising solutions call us to reflect on the fundamentals of human life.

Aug 24, 2023
An urban reflection

Reflections of the New Order

Cultural (and legal) reflections of a shifting order; and why the Church doesn't destroy baptismal records.

Aug 17, 2023
Young people in adoration

Youth, the Hope of the Church?

Should the Church really listen to young people? And if so - how so?

Aug 10, 2023
School supplies and an apple

Ire and Education

Secularism has long recognized the American public school system as a powerful place for forming (or indoctrinating) the next generation into the modern secular vision.

Aug 3, 2023
Midnight clocks

The Reign of the Doomsday Clock

When heat isn't just heat, war isn't just war, and political turmoil isn't just democracy, but instead are all the final ticks on the Doomsday Clock.

Jul 27, 2023
Standing in wonder

Wonder, Memory, and Chartreuse

Technological advancements have impacted our ability to experience wonder and led to our forgetting the art of memory.

Jul 20, 2023
Morgan Museum Ceiling

The Decline of the Humanities (and Why It Matters)

What does the decline of the humanities in American education say about our culture?

Jul 13, 2023