Algorithmic Blues
Being steeped in the Christian tradition can serve as a buffer against an algorithmic society.
Judging Others
A quick primer on engaging those with whom we disagree.
How to Read the News During the Summer
The ordinary time of summer serves as a yearly break from work-centered mindsets, giving us on opportunity to reflect on how we read the news.
The Misuse of Intelligence
While intelligence is a great gift, it is not the ultimate test of our human quality – and it is perhaps far less important in political and social life than is a solid character.
The Quest for a Pure Democracy
Amidst our country's current soul-searching, some are seeking to rediscover or recreate something that has never existed in our country: a pure democracy.
Keeping Focus in the Post-Roe Era
Amidst tensions, noise, and misinformation, it can be easy to lose focus on the core pro-life argument.
Jesus Meant What He Said
As Christians engaged in the public square, we must be guided by a love of God and neighbor rather than a desire to see our own egos exalted and our enemies humiliated.
Is It Just the Economy?
We tend to view the health of our nation and culture through the lens of the economy, captured by the 1992 Clinton campaign mantra, "It's the economy, stupid!" But man does not live by bread alone, and neither does a culture.
As unsurprising as current examples of worldly demise should be, they must be interpreted in the context of the broader story of salvation history and through the lens of Christian hope.
Perception and Providence
Just as telescopes and microscopes help us to see greater and deeper realities, faith and wisdom help us to encounter providence and the meaning in our lives.