Paid to Go to Church
An author reflects his reasons for paying his daughter to go to church, Cardinal Pell examines the role of the Church in secular democracies, and the scandal of the Church.
The Feast of the Fearless and Friendly Warrior
St. John Paul II was and remains a model for a confident and charismatic Catholicism in a wild and chaotic world.
Clickbait Culture
Clickbait culture and a fixation on making the exceptional the norm have become deeply embedded in mainstream media.
Refresh and Reset
Not all weekly news cycles are created equal. Slow weeks give us the chance to refresh and reset.
I Want to Be Faithful
Cardinal Sarah rejects political labels and Mary Eberstadt reflects on the state of the Church.
Autumnal Update
A demographic winter, the Catholicism of Justice Clarence Thomas, the ignored Christians of Afghanistan, and a blow to the metric system in Britain.
The Confusion of the Cross
The standard by which we as Christians judge what is important or to be considered failure is not the standard the world uses: our standard is the Cross.
On the 20th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks, we remember a tragedy that shaped how Americans view the world.
Labor of Love
Labor Day gives us the opportunity to reflect on the dignity of labor and the necessity of leisure, reminding us of the importance of finding balance in life.
Back to Leisure
As summer break comes to an end, let us remember the meaning of education and enter into leisurely contemplation of all that is true, good, and beautiful.