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Weekly Update

Close-up of a palm branch

The Paschal News Cycle

A redemptive view of history - centered on the Cross, buoyed by the Resurrection, and completely enveloped in the hand of a Provident God - sheds light on even the darkest news cycle.

Mar 25, 2021
The Statue of Liberty

Equality, Diversity, and Dignity

When nuanced distinctions arise around seemingly agreed-upon terms, how are we to proceed?

Mar 18, 2021
Pope Francis

What is a Pope?

For the first time ever, the Pope - the visible sign of the unity of the Church - visited the ancient Christian community of Iraq.

Mar 11, 2021
A telescope over the city

First Principles over Hot Takes

No matter the week's headlines, we must keep our eyes fixed on the greater reality and the promise of the world to come.

Mar 4, 2021
Sunrise over a lone tree on the Serengeti

Disciples of All Nations

When we take on a global view of the Catholic Church, we discover that the Church is flourishing in corners of the world of which we may have been unaware.

Feb 25, 2021
Colonnade of St. Peter's, Vatican

A Change of Age

We live in a period of transition in the West from a sacramental view of the world to a new "secular" society.

Feb 18, 2021
The Cathedral of St. Paul overlooking Downtown St. Paul, Minnesota

What the Church Claims to Be

The predominant culture in the United States has never known quite how to perceive the Church…

Feb 11, 2021
A Man on a Smartphone

Catholicism and Social Media

Trendy social media platforms aren’t always conducive to the truth.

Feb 4, 2021
Hong Kong

Subsidiarity and a Global Perspective

Subsidiarity and stories from across the globe: tensions with the Church in Hong Kong, a new law in Denmark, and Jerome Lejeune.

Jan 28, 2021
Times Square

Inundated with Information

The information age, it seems, has met its match: itself.

Jan 21, 2021