To Our Beneficent Father
"I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States... to set apart and observe... a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens."

Christianity and a Free Society
Christianity has played a significant role in safeguarding, not hindering, a free and just society.

The Directions of Higher Education
At many universities, a façade of moral neutrality is giving way as political and moral stances become more transparent. What will this mean for higher education in general?

Utopia and the Complexities of Human Behavior
Those who attempt to improve society while overlooking the complexity of human behavior mistake the very nature of the world they seek to improve.

Vantage from the West
Hatred for the West and blind allegiance to the West may not offer the truest glimpse of reality.

The Christian Witness
As a Catholic cardinal offers to exchange himself as a hostage for children taken in the war in Israel, Christians continue to carry the Gospel of Christ in the Holy Land.

If You Forget Jerusalem
Westerners often interpret conflicts between Israelis and Palestinians through a lens of nation-states and sovereignty, when perhaps the best lens for understanding is even more fundamental: religion.

Synodal Synopsis and an 800th Anniversary
A variety of perspectives provide context and insight into the Synod on Synodality.

The College of Cardinals
What is the college of cardinals, and how does its increasingly-international character show forth the uniqueness of the Church?

The Tradition Goes to Harvard
Bishop Barron explores the Catholic Intellectual Tradition on Harvard's campus.