A Place to Stand
The Church gives us a place to stand amidst the tumults and values of the world.

The Common Good and the Individual
The Christian conception of the common good is that when the common life runs well, everyone lives better, oneself included.

A Note of a Genuine Church
It’s good to remember that Christian persecution is hardly out of the ordinary, no matter how “civilized” our time and place.

The Source of Meaning
A recent essay argues that the so-called "birth dearth" across the West has less to do with economics than with something unquantifiable: the human need for meaning.

The Soul of the World
We live in a world that wants desperately to run away from God, but the main obstacle it faces in doing so is the Church.

Harmonizing the Temporal Order
Christians often sway between caring about politics too much and caring about politics too little. How can we find the happy medium?

Eucharistic Seeing
Catholics losing their confidence in the doctrine of the Eucharist is indicative of a much more encompassing wound: the loss of the sacramental vision of reality.

Success and Sacrifice
The Christian vision of success rests on a concept we often overlook: fidelity.

Christ as King
Christians aren’t meant to think about institutions as a necessary evil; rather, they are to give serious thought to learning meaningful patterns for robust institutional life.

Why Excommunicate?
Excommunication may seem like a mean-spirited thing to do. So why does the Church continue to do it?