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The Cross on Pensacola Beach

Finding Joy in the Cross: The Key to Abundant Life

The key to happiness in life is not the avoidance of suffering, but finding meaning in it, surrendering to God and embracing our cross with the words "Not my will but yours be done."

Most Rev. Andrew Cozzens
Dec 22, 2020
Farmhouse at Sunset

The Synthetic Impulse in Catholic Life

St. Hildegard demonstrates the synthetic impulse of the Christian vision, which recognizes that all of Creation is connected and that a mystery runs beneath all things, holding them together.

Most Rev. Daniel E. Flores
Dec 22, 2020
A Lioness

Naming the New Lions

Catholic universities face the cultural lions of relativism, fundamentalism, and pessimism. The proper response is faith, hope, and charity born of prayer.

Very Rev. Paul Murray
Dec 22, 2020
A Façade Divided in Color

The Sundering of Intellectual and Moral Education in the University

The sundering of intellectual and moral formation in university education - with many universities attempting to exclude the latter outright - is the result of a gradual process.

Dr. Jonathan J. Reyes
Dec 21, 2020
The Hall at Christ Church, Oxford

The Three Integrative Tasks of Catholic Studies

At its core, the Catholic Studies project seeks integration: faith and reason through all academic and professional disciplines, faith and life, and proper inculturation of the Gospel.

Dr. Matthew Gerlach
Dr. R. Jared Staudt
Dec 4, 2020
Eucharistic Procession on the University of Mary

Key Aspects of the Catholic Studies Program

Catholic Studies is an energetic and creative project, sounding a note of resilient hope throughout the University community.

Msgr. James P. Shea
Dec 4, 2020
Mostar Bridge in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Engineering as a Liberal Art

Although engineering is often considered only as a technical discipline, it can also be considered as a liberal art, both intrinsically fulfilling and part of a general training of the mind.

Dr. James D. Carrico
Dec 4, 2020
Statue of Christ over the Sacristy Door, St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican

In the Likeness of Christ

To imitate Christ is to put on the mind of Christ, imitating his interior dispositions and grasping the broad principles by which he worked out his life's task.

Dr. Don J. Briel
Dec 4, 2020
Light Shining on a Dark Road

Being a Christian Counselor in a Secular Environment

Christianity offers the answer to all questions of human existence. For counselors in a secular environment, this demands patience and trust that Christ will bring healing to those who suffer.

Dr. Kristi Bitz
Dec 4, 2020
Building Reflected in a Puddle

Turning the World Upside Down

Paul's proclamation to the Roman world that a new age had begun in the reign of the risen Jesus, a proclamation that rings true today, turned the world upside down.

Dr. John Kincaid
Dec 4, 2020