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Mosaic of Christ

What ‘Christian’ Really Means

For early disciples, the name 'Christian' held tremendous significance and indicated adoption into a new tribe.

Dr. Jordan Almanzar
Jul 27, 2024
Catholics at Mass

A Kingship Not of This World

The kingdom Jesus has founded is a real kingdom, a visible polity, a social organization – but it will not be founded on or extend itself by worldly means.

Msgr. James P. Shea
Jun 27, 2024
Capitol rotunda

The Difficult Yet Noble Art of Politics

Like any art, politics can become excellent or even beautiful. We must strengthen our habits, know our history, cherish our traditions, and build up our institutions.

Dr. Kevin Walker
Jun 22, 2023
Hospital bed

‘Mostly Dead’ is ‘Still Alive’

A possible upcoming revision to the Uniform Declaration of Death Act could subjectivize the all-important issue of when a human being is truly dead.

Dr. Christopher A. DeCock
May 1, 2023

The Christian Athlete: Witnessing versus Privacy

How is the Christian athlete to embrace his or her podium in order to witness to the Gospel?

Dr. Luis Fernando Aragón-Vargas
Apr 26, 2023
An athlete resting

The Christian Athlete: You Are So Weak!

The qualities that make one a good athlete bring with them a unique set of vulnerabilities.

Dr. Luis Fernando Aragón-Vargas
Mar 29, 2023
A science lab

Another Letter Concerning Catholic Scientists

Another response to the question of the difference it makes whether a professor of physics, chemistry, or biology is a Catholic.

Dr. Patrick Schloss
Mar 22, 2023
The Facade of the Lateran Basilica

Science within the Church

What does it mean to be a Catholic scientist?

Most Rev. David D. Kagan
Feb 16, 2023
A chapel under a starry sky

The Myth of Chance

In the myth of chance, reason itself loses its footing on which to stand. For in a world of random accidents, there is no objective truth to build upon or assert.

Rev. Shane Deman
Feb 15, 2023
Two rowers

The Christian Athlete: Me, Myself, and I

The life of an athlete is demanding, and the temptation to become overly focused on oneself is always present.

Dr. Luis Fernando Aragón-Vargas
Feb 15, 2023