Against Euthanasia
Christ's Passion teaches us that suffering and death have meaning and that God values life in all its possibilities and conclusions.

The State of Business Education at Catholic Universities
Few Catholic universities integrate a Catholic vision into their business programs, and few theologians have engaged questions of business.

An Integrating Vision of Business Education at Catholic Universities
For a Catholic business school to engage its mission and identity fully, a conviction in the unity of knowledge and the complementarity of faith and reason must play a central role.

Catholic Social Teaching in Business Education
The infusion of Catholic Social Teaching into business education programs contributes to the formation of virtuous leaders capable of bringing the Gospel to bear on all aspects of life.

What is the "dom" in Christendom?
While the political polarization that permeates our culture is often blamed on an over-emphasis on the political, perhaps it arises, surprisingly, from the loss of the political itself.

Method in Metaphysics: Discovering the Fundamental Structure of Reality
Metaphysicians aim to determine what sorts of things exist and what those existing things are like. There are several key questions we can ask about any metaphysical theory.

The Lion of Pessimism
The lion of pessimism – of fatigue and disenchantment – is to be opposed by the extravagant hope of Christianity.

A Holistic Catholic Secondary Education
Catholic education at its very best provides holistic education and formation for the whole of life, preparing students for whomever and however they are called to serve.

Tribute to Don Briel
The funeral homily of the founder of the Catholic Studies program serves as a tribute to a man who awakened countless souls to the profundity of the truth of Christ.

The Lion of Fundamentalism
The lion of fundamentalism stands opposed to charity, tempting Christians to an enclosed autonomy, exclusive of the world around us.