The Purpose of a University Chaplain
The university chaplain is not primarily a counselor, a friend, or a mascot; rather, he serves as the unworthy yet unifying presence of Christ on campus.

Finding Joy in the Cross: The Key to Abundant Life
The key to happiness in life is not the avoidance of suffering, but finding meaning in it, surrendering to God and embracing our cross with the words "Not my will but yours be done."

The Synthetic Impulse in Catholic Life
St. Hildegard demonstrates the synthetic impulse of the Christian vision, which recognizes that all of Creation is connected and that a mystery runs beneath all things, holding them together.

Turning the World Upside Down
Paul's proclamation to the Roman world that a new age had begun in the reign of the risen Jesus, a proclamation that rings true today, turned the world upside down.

Christians (and Pharisees) at a University
The Pharisees, due to their darkened minds, found themselves unknowingly fighting against God himself. The gift of faith serves to heal and enlighten our intellects.

Icon of Relationality
The Immaculate Conception and perpetual virginity of Mary serve as the antithesis of the non-relational existence of humanity due to the Fall.

Whether arising from fear, pride, or a psychological disorder, scrupulosity forms a serious obstacle to our ability to recognize and rejoice in God's mercy toward us in our weakness.