Making the Gospel ‘Real’ in a Gnostic World
There is a particular urgency for evangelization today. Catholic universities are uniquely positioned to play a powerful role in evangelization.

The God of Faith and Science with Stephen Barr and David Ronderos
Dr. Stephen Barr explores questions of faith and science, God and nature in an insightful conversation with Dr. David Ronderos.

The Love of Learning and the Desire for God: A Path to Joy
What is truth, and how does it relate to God? Even more precisely, why do we call God Truth itself?

Why Require Benedict?
To study the life and legacy of St. Benedict is not only to encounter one of the most vibrant spiritual and theological traditions of the Church, but also to explore an enduring case study in the vital relationship between religion and culture.

An Unknown Future and a Known God
In an age in which many have heard the name of Jesus but few have encountered him, Christians are called to spread a message of liberty to captives. Have no fear: you were born for this.

The Rising of Christ’s Body
Wherever the Church seeks to live in the risen power of Christ Jesus, she retains her youthful vitality.

Explorations of a Catholic Mind
Fr. Robert Spitzer offers a Catholic perspective on culture, science, and apologetics and provides insights on what it takes to ensure that a Catholic university stays true to its religious mission.

God Wants His World Back
Fr. John Riccardo reflects on his life and priesthood and speaks about his ministry - ACTS XXIX - which exists for one simple reason: "God wants his world back."

Sealing Confession: A Theological Justification for Keeping a Lid on It
Recent political challenges to the seal of confession have called into question the role of the sacrament of Reconciliation in the life of the Catholic faith.

The Lion of Fundamentalism
The lion of fundamentalism stands opposed to charity, tempting Christians to an enclosed autonomy, exclusive of the world around us.