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Prime Matters
Editorial Panel

In keeping with the best of our ancient Benedictine heritage, in which authors sign their work simply “a monk,” the editorial panel of Prime Matters remains anonymous, committed solely to articulating and awakening the Catholic imaginative vision for Catholics and all people of goodwill.

Published Pieces

Raphael's "The Transfiguration"

Raphael's "The Transfiguration"

In "The Transfiguration," Raphael interweaves the glory of Christ made manifest in the Transfiguration, the suffering of humanity shown in a young demoniac, and the intercessory role of the Church.

Prime Matters
Dec 29, 2022
Giotto's "Nativity" from the Lower Church of the Basilica of Saint Francis in Assisi

Giotto's "Nativity" in Assisi

Giotto's realistic approach to painting breathed new life into the scenes he depicted, bringing a human element into stories from the life of Christ and the life of St. Francis of Assisi.

Prime Matters
Dec 14, 2022
The Church of the Transfiguration on Mount Tabor

The Church of the Transfiguration on Mount Tabor

Pilgrims have ascended Mount Tabor in southern Galilee for centuries to venerate the place where Peter, James, and John witnessed the Transfiguration of Christ.

Prime Matters
Oct 26, 2022
Overgrowth through a window

Why Read Brideshead Revisited?: A Meditation on Sloth

Evelyn Waugh’s "Brideshead Revisited" presents an image of sloth, the vice of rejecting God's love and our spiritual inheritance.

Prime Matters
Oct 12, 2022
St. Peter's Baptismal Font

The Porphyry of St. Peter's Basilica

The precious stone of royalty and emperors in St. Peter's Basilica is found in two unexpected places: in the floor over which countless pilgrims walk and the base of the baptismal font.

Prime Matters
Sep 22, 2022
A suit of armor

True Manhood, True Honor

Through an example of the sort of sacrifice the world tends to see as foolish and dishonorable, author Evelyn Waugh provides an image of true manhood and true honor.

Prime Matters
Sep 15, 2022
A sunny day at Lake Como

A Vital Encounter With Creation

Modern life often unfolds surrounded by the handiwork of man rather than the handiwork of God. Encounters with nature help us to embrace the rhythm and gift of Creation.

Prime Matters
Sep 1, 2022
"The Calling of St. Matthew," by Caravaggio

Caravaggio's "The Calling of Saint Matthew"

Caravaggio's moving presentation of the call of St. Matthew the Apostle invites us to view our own call to discipleship in the light of Christ's merciful gaze.

Prime Matters
Jun 30, 2022
A wooden crucifix in the desert

Radical Autonomy and the Principle of Formation

The principle of radical autonomy has gripped the imaginations of Westerners, but skews our vision of the Church and the Gospel.

Prime Matters
Jun 15, 2022
Fiber optics cables

A Letter Concerning Catholic Physicists

What difference does it make if a professor of physics is a Catholic?

Prime Matters
Jun 9, 2022