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Awakening the Catholic
Imaginative Vision.

Weekly Update
The secularization narrative in American culture appears to have ground to a halt. What does the trend away from Christianity - and the halting of that trend - tell us?

The Call to Conversion
God loves us in the midst of whatever our sins or imperfections may be, and he does not withhold his love from us. It is precisely from this love that the call to conversion arises.

Encounter St. Peter (and his bones) in the excavations of the Vatican Necropolis (or "Scavi") beneath St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City.

Jesus is not weak. Jesus is the one who assailed the strong man, as he puts it in the Gospels, and he has taken on the enemy and won. He’s the one who is calling you to follow him.

The Historic Reality of Christian Culture
Learn more about The Historic Reality of Christian Culture

The Point of Apologetics
The point of apologetics is not the mere winning of arguments; instead, it is meant to show the reasonableness of the Gospel, clearing away obstacles to an authentic encounter with Christ.

Christianity as a Revealed Religion
Learn more about Christianity as a Revealed Religion
The Sacred Scriptures
Learn more about The Sacred Scriptures
The Importance of Mystery in Christian Belief
Learn more about The Importance of Mystery in Christian BeliefSubscribe to The First Draught and get the best of Prime Matters sent to your email, every week.