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The Weekly Update

December 7, 2020 2 min read
Bern, Switzerland

The news media plays a central role in forming our imaginative visions. For this reason, Prime Matters will provide a Weekly Update, consisting of a news roundup and insights into upcoming Sunday and feast-day Mass readings. The Weekly Update will be published every Thursday at 2:00pm Central time, starting in January 2021.

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As a project of educational outreach of a university, we believe it is our responsibility to avoid joining the "rush to be first," a practice that contributes to a malformation of the imaginative visions of readers. Our goal is to present a reasoned, global vision of the Church and the world in which we live, offering insights and explanations for why things are the way they are, all through the lens of the Catholic imaginative vision. Our news roundup will be followed by insights into upcoming Mass readings, offering our readers points for anchoring reflection and preparation.

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