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Something (Someone) More

July 8, 2021 2 min read
The Very Large Array near Socorro, New Mexico

In an empirical, materialistic, pragmatic world, we tend to say things like, "I'll believe it when I see it!" frequently. Throughout history, philosophers debated the presence of things unseen up to the Enlightenment, after which things seen were themselves cast into suspicion.

A new poll reveals that a large majority of Americans believe in something for which science has not produced an iota of evidence yet has become a common topic for internet theorizing: there must be more out there than meets our eyes.

The question of intelligent alien life outside of our world is interesting in some respects, but not earth-shattering philosophically (unless, of course, their weaponry is indeed earth-shattering). Nevertheless, the willingness of many self-proclaimed empiricists to say there is an overwhelming chance of intelligent alien life makes the belief in an Invisible Creator (a subject with much more philosophic weight) much less absurd for those who want to be intellectually robust and deeply faithful to the creed that asserts the reality of things visible and invisible.

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