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The Incorruptibles and Reminders of the Resurrection

June 1, 2023 2 min read
Golden Hour Sunset

Amidst talk of debt ceilings, presidential campaign announcements, professional championships, boycotts of major companies, and other obvious headline grabs, it is a nun’s corpse that is drawing people in droves and the world’s attention.

The nun in question is fascinating in her own right. A Black woman from St. Louis, Sister Wilhelmina Lancaster entered the convent in Baltimore in 1941 at the age of 17 after a having a mystical experience during Communion. At age 70, she founded a flourishing religious community in Missouri, today known for their beautiful musical recordings. She finished her earthly life with 75 years in religious life. Her community released her truly remarkable story, told in her own words.

Her body was recently discovered to be incorrupt. Regardless of the miraculous nature of her body’s state of decay – which the community is submitting to the authority of the Church – it is a grace to come to know the story of this woman whose life on earth was such that her new miracle pales in comparison to her deeds and the life she lived in God’s grace (and, of course, the hope of the life that she may now be experiencing with her Beloved in heaven).

Father Dominic Bouck, chaplain of the University of Mary, explores the impacts of social media on children: “Social media is robbing children of childhood and the effects are lifelong. And of course, it is not just kids that are being harmed – social media is reducing many adults to adolescence.”

Robert Cardinal Sarah, one of the foremost Catholic clerics from the African continent, recently reminded theology students of the importance of study: “The more we know the Lord the more we can love him.”

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A Catholic apologist brings the ancient Mass to life through a text written by St. Justin Martyr in the middle of the second century.

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