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The Confusion of the Cross

September 16, 2021 2 min read
A cross on a mountaintop

The Apostles were scattered. The sinless mother of God wept. The corrupt civil authorities seemed to have conquered the Prince of Peace. When we think about the Church and the world we often gravitate towards the Resurrection and Pentecost, and rightly so, for these moments are central to the birth of the saving body which is the Body of Christ. Nevertheless, we proclaim the Mysterium Fidei – the Mystery of Faith – at every Mass, which reminds us of the ever-present reality of the Cross.

While we have the virtue of Hope in this life ordered towards ultimate victory, that victory is only possible through the Cross. This mystery of our faith is not merely a historical event but continues to be present through every moment of this life. The standard by which we as Christians judge what is important or to be considered failure is not the standard the world uses: our standard is the Cross, reversing the tide of evil by means of redeeming even the greatest evils. Death dies by means of redemptive death. Suffering suffers by means of redemptive suffering. And apparent failures fail by means of redemptive failure. The banner of the Cross proceeds before our chosen band, homeward bound by means of that old rugged Cross.

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