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The Best News

March 28, 2024 4 min read
spring sunrise

As we stand on the threshold of the Easter Triduum, today marks the beginning of our commemoration of that harrowing, triumphant drama that is the salvation of the human race. If there are any days over the course of the year that invite us to turn our attention away from the chaos of the modern news cycle, they are these. We have different news to turn our attention toward, news that others, a long time ago, were waiting upon with bated breath: what will happen at Calvary? 

We can imagine what might have been the ancient headlines as the events of these days moved along: “Jesus, rabbi from Nazareth, losing traction among his followers, betrayed by long-time friend and advisor.” “Jesus to be executed Friday.” “The end of a long campaign: Jesus pronounced dead.” We can imagine the collective fear, relief, confusion, and disappointment that would have taken the world by storm.

And then, a shock: “Breaking: Jesus seen alive?” “Breaking: Jesus no longer dead?” “Breaking: Jesus of Nazareth followers announce that Jesus has risen from the dead; many perplexed, disciples rejoicing.” Can we also imagine the collective joy, the confusion, the relief at the chance to see His face and hear His voice again that also would have taken the world by storm?

Something happened at Calvary, something that overwhelmed every other event of its day. And something still happens there. We turn our attention to the events of these sacred days not simply to mark an anniversary. We turn to them again with anticipation quickening our minds and hearts: what will happen at Calvary? 

A glance at the state of the global Church gives some indication of an answer. The Cathedral in Sydney, Australia is preparing to welcome 266 new Catholics on Easter Sunday. A Vietnamese Communist who aided in the persecution of Christians will enter the Church on Easter, too, as a convert after the heart of Saint Paul. And a Korean archbishop has called on his flock to take stock of the Resurrection as a sign that hope in Christ is never misplaced, and that his country’s most formidable challenges – entrenched division and confrontation – find in Him an equally formidable foe, in whom the Korean people should renew their trust for the resolution of all social and political ills.

In the meantime, Christian persecution in the global south only escalates, with Catholics slaughtered for their faith regularly in countries like Nigeria and concern rising that Holy Week will bring only more martyrdoms. More Christians have been harassed in India, too, under its laws banning conversions to Christianity. And Christians in the West Bank have been barred from Jerusalem for their celebration of the Holy Week liturgies, inspiring more hurt in an already hurt community.

But these are not ordinary pieces of ordinary human news. They, too, are the events of Calvary. They are the passion, death, and resurrection of Christ still happening. They are Jesus of Nazareth entering into the course of human life, going to battle with the enemy, enduring and conquering sin and death from the inside out. 

So we ask again: what will happen at Calvary? If we allow Him, Jesus Christ will do the same in our lives. He’ll go to battle with the enemy, freeing our minds and wills from the power of Satan, conquering sin and death from the inside out, for new and abundant life.

So today, let’s leave the mass of news media behind. Let’s turn our attention wholly to the Lord Jesus this Triduum, and wait, with bated breath, to hear anew the best news that’s ever broken upon the human race.

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