A math mystery;
No one able to solve it.
My mind stuck;
I’m unable to solve it.
Try this and try that;
Still stuck as before.
Sit still and breathe;
The mystery doesn’t budge.
Read what others already know;
Lean on what I already know.
The knowledge known brings up
The same math mystery; stuck.
Eat lunch and do chores;
Listen to music – a new perspective hits!
Sit down and write;
The math mystery is budging.
Juggle ideas – those that support;
Those that contradict.
Write some more and –
Mystery solved!
The answer was waiting;
I just needed to change my perspective.
Joy, relief,
And then more questions arise.
Math mysteries for another time.
This is leisure.
A tragedy;
No one able to make sense of it.
God, why would You allow this?
I’m unable to make sense of it.
Justify this and counteract that;
God, why would You allow this?
Sit still, breathe, pray; God, if You’re good,
Why would You allow this?
Read the Word, listen to others;
God, I know You’re good.
The mystery remains;
God, why would You allow this?
Eat lunch and do chores;
Life goes on – a new perspective hits!
Sit down in awe;
God, You are doing something in me.
Juggle ideas – those that support;
Those that contradict.
Pray some more and –
God, I see what You want me to see.
God, You never left me; You remain unchanged.
I just needed to change my perspective.
Joy, worship,
And questions remain.
Answers God may provide for another day.
This is knowing God more.