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Intellectual Formation for an Apostolic Age

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Duccio's Jesus Calls Peter and Andrew

Catholic Studies and Propaedeutic Formation

Catholic Studies and spirituality years were both devised for our current cultural moment: seminarians - and all Christians - are in need of the sort of integrative experience that gives rise to a Christian imaginative vision.

The Doctors of the University of Paris

Why Study Technical Philosophy and Theology?

Far from being a diversion on the way to ministry, seminarians must enter into an intensive academic programs in philosophy and theology for the good of the Church. Souls depend on it.

Class at the University of Bologna

A Lens for the Study of Philosophy

Born of the anthropological dilemma, a clear-minded approach to the search for truth is of vital importance for all people - and especially for those who would serve as Christ's ministers.

A medieval quodlibet

A Lens for the Study of Theology

The question of how Christians - and in particular, seminarians and priests - should approach the study of theology sheds light on the importance of knowledge in the Christian life.