About the Author
Published Pieces

Building Culture and Institutionalizing Mission-Driven Business Education
If we are serious about the Catholic mission and identity of business education, we must evaluate how its commitments are operationalized, especially amongst the teaching faculty.

The State of Business Education at Catholic Universities
Few Catholic universities integrate a Catholic vision into their business programs, and few theologians have engaged questions of business.

An Integrating Vision of Business Education at Catholic Universities
For a Catholic business school to engage its mission and identity fully, a conviction in the unity of knowledge and the complementarity of faith and reason must play a central role.

Institutionalizing a Catholic Culture in Professional Schools
The mission drift experienced by so many Catholic professional schools is rarely intentional, and the proper response is to institutionalize mission.

Schola et Labora
Dr. Michael J. Naughton and Msgr. James P. Shea discussed the importance of leisure for human flourishing and its relationship with work, as well as Dr. Naughton's book on this subject.