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The Power of Family

April 8, 2021 2 min read
Man with child on his shoulders

When discussing the family, we often think of parents and their children. Today, with rising rates of divorce and non-traditional parenting arrangements, new terms and categories have come into use (such as 'co-parenting'). As the Christian vision and the modern secular vision of the world come into contact with one another, the value and merits of the nuclear family are topics of frequent discussion.

As we transition into a new age of post-Christendom evangelization, we recognize that many cultural realities that were previously taken for granted are no longer the statistical norm. Indeed, many assumptions about human life central to the Christian vision of the world are not necessarily taken for granted by a large portion of modern society. While this can present obstacles to our apostolic efforts, it also presents opportunities. In the midst of often-chaotic offerings from conflicting secular trends, the Church provides a home for those struggling with their identities and unfulfilled need for community, highlighting something as seemingly basic as "family" as a particular benefit of living an intentional Christian life.

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